Oconee Campus to Open in August
Oconee Campus to Open in August
Campus at a Glance
· The Oconee Campus of Tri-County Technical College will be located at the Oconee Industry and Technology Park, located on Highway 11 in Westminster. · Physical Address: Tri-County Technical College Oconee Campus, 552 Education Way, Westminster SC, 29693. · The building will be approximately 37,000 square feet. · The campus will open Fall Semester, 2018. Ribbon Cutting Ceremony is August 17, 2018, 11 AM |
Construction of the Oconee Campus is on track for a fall 2018 opening.
The Oconee Industry and Technology Park, located on Highway 11 in Westminster, will co-locate the Oconee Campus, a new Career Center servicing the Oconee County School District, and industry. The result will be a unique center for technical education, work-based learning, and economic development. The project is a partnership between the College, the School District of Oconee County, and Oconee County.
“In a couple of years, the high school career center is planned for the site. We can’t find an example of these three entities in the same location anywhere,” said Dr. Brian Swords, senior director of community campuses. “This is a new model which has opened the doors for discussions on partnerships, operational pieces, and pathways,” he said.
“By locating on the same site, it opens up an array of different opportunities for our students and the students who will be attending the new Oconee County School District Career and Technology Center.” said Brian. “Instead of high school students having to drive to different facilities to take advantage of dual credit and pathway opportunities, now they will simply walk across the courtyard and go from a high school facility to a college campus.”
Rather than purchase similar equipment at two locations, both can share some of the same equipment and labs. Cost savings will be realized through shared roadways, curbing, water/sewer, parking, and other amenities. Co-location eliminates redundancies and duplication of effort, said Brian.
“After having a small campus facility located on the current Hamilton Career Center Campus for many years, we already had a strong partnership with the Oconee County School District. This takes an already great partnership to the next level. Ideas generated through our discussions have been innovative and outside of the box. We are working with the Oconee County School District on the partnership programs, such as dual enrollment and pathways, and with area companies to offer industrial programs to meet employer needs. Future possibilities are endless,” he said.
Credit Program offerings will include:
Business Administration with an emphasis in Operations Management CNC Programming and Operations Industrial Electronics Technology Manufacturing Management and Leadership Mechatronics University Studies Certificate Dual Credit / Pathways Program for Oconee County School District Non-Credit Corporate and Community Education Course Offerings will include: South Carolina Manufacturing Certification CNC Machine Operator Training Mechatronics Training Additional Workforce Training Opportunities such as LEAN, OSHA, First Responder, and Microsoft Office.
*The content of this article was originally created by Tri-County Technical College and is being shared with their permission. *